Officers, Board Members, and Committee Chair Persons
2024-2025 Officers
- President - John Dresser - (269) 689-8375
- Vice President - Mary Vogt - (773) 230-6369
- Treasurer - Kirby Baker - (269) 483-6961
- Secretary - Barb Pancoast - (269) 625-7251
2024-2025 Board Members
- Karol Andree - (248) 310-8650
- Joe Davis - (708) 828-2801
- Allison Kirsch - (269) 625-2558
- Katie Kitchen - (502) 472-1978
- Rick Knoedler - (630) 738-8893
- Mike Needham - (269) 625-0060
- Edgar Reihl - (224) 326-1272
- Andy Rieth - (317) 908-4767
Committee Chairpersons
If you are interested in helping out on one of these committees, please contact us.
Beach Representatives / Neighborhood Watch (Karol Andree, Katie Kitchen)
Develop a group of Beach Representatives for each of the various beaches around the Lake to develop the Neighborhood Watch program in cooperation with the Sheriff's Department and to provide communication between the residents and the Klinger Lake Association Board of Directors.
Boat Parade (TBD)
Organize logistics for the 4th of July Boat Parade and operate the lead boat.
Communications Liaison (John Dresser, Edgar Reihl)
Maintain communication links between the Klinger Lake Association and lake residents via Facebook and the KLA website.
Dam Control and Drain Commissioner Liaison (Mike Needham, John Dresser)
Ensure that the Klinger Lake dam is adjusted as needed to maintain the legal level. Maintain liaison with the County Drain Commissioner. Keep the board and membership appraised on any pertinent information.
Directory (Allison Kirsch, Debbie Doe)
Publish a new directory with advertising.
Fireworks (Mary Vogt, Karol Andree, Joe Davis)
History (Katie Kitchen)
Maintain the Association's historical records and items. Responsible for the supplies and sales of aerial photos, depth maps, Klinger Lake History books, and other items offered by the Association.
Lake Residents Database (Kirby Baker)
Keep the property owners' directory database up to date.
Membership (Mary Vogt, Joe Davis)
Work to increase membership in the Association in cooperation with the other Board members and Beach Representatives.
Newsletter (Allison Kirsch, Chris Bowers, Mike Needham)
Publish a Newsletter to all lake area residents in the Spring of each year containing information about significant matters and events.
Michigan Lakes & Streams Association (Mike Needham)
Maintain liaison with this statewide organization and participate in appropriate programs.
Real Estate (Allison Kirsch)
Report on real estate activity in the lake area.
Roads (Andy Rieth)
Maintain liaison with the County Road Commission and keep the Board apprised of the condition of roads in the surrounding area and what improvements or changes are made or planned by the Road Commission.
Water Safety, Rules, and Laws (Andy Rieth)
Maintain liaison with the Sheriff's Office regarding the lake patrol, and coordinate the schedule of the personnel responsible for patrolling the lake who are under contract with the Association. Maintain liaison with the Sheriff's office and DNR/DEQ on any issues that may impact Klinger Lake or the surrounding area. Bring concerns of the Board or residents to the Sheriff's Office or DNR/DEQ for resolution. Develop and maintain lists of rules and laws regarding lake use, boating safety, etc., and distribute these to area residents.
Water Quality (Mike Needham)
Monitor the water quality of the lake by having periodic samples analyzed for chemical content and to see what changes may be taking place. Work with Michigan Lake and Stream Associations/DEQ Cooperative Lake Monitoring Program (CLMP). Monitor and map aquatic plant growth, monitor invasive aquatic life, and make recommendations for corrective action.
Webmaster (Edgar Reihl)
Develop and maintain the Klinger Lake Association website (
Beach Representatives / Neighborhood Watch (Karol Andree, Katie Kitchen)
Develop a group of Beach Representatives for each of the various beaches around the Lake to develop the Neighborhood Watch program in cooperation with the Sheriff's Department and to provide communication between the residents and the Klinger Lake Association Board of Directors.
Boat Parade (TBD)
Organize logistics for the 4th of July Boat Parade and operate the lead boat.
Communications Liaison (John Dresser, Edgar Reihl)
Maintain communication links between the Klinger Lake Association and lake residents via Facebook and the KLA website.
Dam Control and Drain Commissioner Liaison (Mike Needham, John Dresser)
Ensure that the Klinger Lake dam is adjusted as needed to maintain the legal level. Maintain liaison with the County Drain Commissioner. Keep the board and membership appraised on any pertinent information.
Directory (Allison Kirsch, Debbie Doe)
Publish a new directory with advertising.
Fireworks (Mary Vogt, Karol Andree, Joe Davis)
History (Katie Kitchen)
Maintain the Association's historical records and items. Responsible for the supplies and sales of aerial photos, depth maps, Klinger Lake History books, and other items offered by the Association.
Lake Residents Database (Kirby Baker)
Keep the property owners' directory database up to date.
Membership (Mary Vogt, Joe Davis)
Work to increase membership in the Association in cooperation with the other Board members and Beach Representatives.
Newsletter (Allison Kirsch, Chris Bowers, Mike Needham)
Publish a Newsletter to all lake area residents in the Spring of each year containing information about significant matters and events.
Michigan Lakes & Streams Association (Mike Needham)
Maintain liaison with this statewide organization and participate in appropriate programs.
Real Estate (Allison Kirsch)
Report on real estate activity in the lake area.
Roads (Andy Rieth)
Maintain liaison with the County Road Commission and keep the Board apprised of the condition of roads in the surrounding area and what improvements or changes are made or planned by the Road Commission.
Water Safety, Rules, and Laws (Andy Rieth)
Maintain liaison with the Sheriff's Office regarding the lake patrol, and coordinate the schedule of the personnel responsible for patrolling the lake who are under contract with the Association. Maintain liaison with the Sheriff's office and DNR/DEQ on any issues that may impact Klinger Lake or the surrounding area. Bring concerns of the Board or residents to the Sheriff's Office or DNR/DEQ for resolution. Develop and maintain lists of rules and laws regarding lake use, boating safety, etc., and distribute these to area residents.
Water Quality (Mike Needham)
Monitor the water quality of the lake by having periodic samples analyzed for chemical content and to see what changes may be taking place. Work with Michigan Lake and Stream Associations/DEQ Cooperative Lake Monitoring Program (CLMP). Monitor and map aquatic plant growth, monitor invasive aquatic life, and make recommendations for corrective action.
Webmaster (Edgar Reihl)
Develop and maintain the Klinger Lake Association website (